Window Shopping


No recipes for today, no food stories, only stuff I found while working lately.

Before I begin, I’d like you all to meet one of my food-blogging gurus: Chubby Hubby. Now you know one of the people who I got my inspiration from.

Now, let’s shop.

I found some cool stuff on the net. Here, check ’em out:

Remind me of my Mom and my late nanny (si bibik)Thai (granite) mortar & pestle 8″

When I was a kid, we had a nanny who was like a mother to us (we called her Bibik). She’s old, but very strong. She loved us (me and my 6 siblings) the way she loved her own children. We loved her dearly ’till the day she passed away (only a few months after my Mom passed away). We still do.

We used to have this stone mortar and pestle in our kitchen. My Mom and Bibik used this mortar to grind nuts, rice, anything. I
used to watch them pounding the pestle to the mortar and observed how the granules turned into powder. Sometimes they let me try one stroke or two, then I would give up to the weight of the pestle.

Seeing this mortar on the net reminded me of them, of my lovely childhood with them in there. This is a tribute to the 2 most amazing women in my life, my Mom and Bibik. God bless you both.

Mad Professor: Double Wall Espresso Glasses

How cool are these? I’d like to have a pair in my cupboard.

Cool Hunting: Get the Scoop

This is an adjustable multi-function measuring cup that holds 2 Tbsp to 1/2 cup ingredients. And it’s also a refrigerator magnet. Nice.

Miles Kimball

This baby, I want!

UncommonGoods: High Heel Cake Server

Actually, it’s rather tacky šŸ™‚ But I think I’ll have one. I hate when my cake server falls on its back when the cake is not heavy enough to hold it straight. Now I give it a better look, it does really look like a shoe!

Artika and Integra Round Kitchens from Pedini – the trend is now | Trendir

Ooooh, round kitchen! Rounded working space is my utopia!
Ok, that’s the end of our window shopping today.

I bumped into this site the other day, it’s called Cooking For Engineers. I love how they turn the recipes into Gantt chart. Well, what can I say, I’m always an engineer at heart.

Got two ideas from Recipezaar: Pineapple and Palm Sugar Turnovers and White Chocolate Mousse Filled Meringue W/Strawberries. Probably will try them soon.

Finally, Happy Aidil Fitri, everybody. I deeply apologize for everything I’ve done or said that might hurt any souls. The faults are mine and mine alone. May Allah purify our soul, give us a new birth as a better human being, just like a newborn baby. Amin, ya Rabbal Alamin.

16 Comments Add yours

  1. Fenny says:

    mbak riana,
    met lebaran ya. mohon maaf lahir & batin.
    jadi ngiler ngeliat wish list-nya.
    yg utk ngupas jagungnya okeeh bgt tuh.
    di jkt ada gak ya?

    btw, dapurnya juga bagus.
    jarang aku ngeliat yg bentuknya kaya’ gitu.
    bisa dicontek tuh gambarnya hihihihihi.. šŸ˜›

    Kalo di Jakarta ada, aku juga mauuuuu…. —-Riana

  2. -ari- says:

    šŸ™‚ jadi tau wish list nya riana..

    pa kbr non! *hugs* kangen….
    met lebaran..maafkan semua khilaf dan salah…taqabalallahu minna wa minkum….

    lebaran masak apa ri?

    sama-sama… *hugs back*
    Lebaran aku masak air šŸ™‚

  3. rieke says:

    hallow riana…
    saya naksir yang buat me-pipil biji jagungnya, selama ini cuma pakai pisau biasa dan selalu berceceran..
    bagaimana lebarannya?

    Saya juga….
    Lebaran penuh lemak šŸ™‚

  4. Shinta says:

    Mbak Ri, minta ijin nge-link dari blog ku yach? Oh ya, Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri, mohon maaf lahir batin…

    Shinta, dapurmu sama sekali gak amatiran deh ah.. huh, sebel šŸ™‚
    Sama-sama.. *salaman* mohon maaf semua kesalahanku.. —-Riana

  5. mishkaa says:

    all of the cakes youve made look verrrrry appealling. i noticed that you did an excellent job on the photos of the food, are you by any mean a professional photographer? great job with the website, id like to try and make some of your recipe, unfortunately im not very good at making cakes ;p. cheers

    Mishkaa (pretty name, btw), thanks, but I’m just an amateur who likes pretty picture taken from weird angle šŸ™‚
    Baking cakes is easy. Give it a try to one or two simple fool-proof recipes, and you’ll get addicted. Trust me. —–Riana

  6. retma says:

    Riaaaaannnaaaaaaa!!! Dakuw baru balik mudix neeh. Met lebaran, mohon maap lair batin (telat!!).

    Aku naksir yg buat mipil jagung Ri. Jadi rapi gitu!!! šŸ˜¦ Pengen….

    Sama-sama… *salaman*
    Gue juga naksir šŸ™‚ —Riana

  7. eliza says:

    riana, double wall espresso glass itu disini ada di toko Design Within Reach. kalo gak salah harganya 2 buat US$17, mereknya Bodum. kalo elo gantiin, gue beliin! LOL…gue juga kepengen sih, ada 2 macem tipe gelasnya. let me know…

    Mau, mau, mauuuuuuuuuuuu……………! —- Riana

  8. elyn says:

    Hi Riana maaf lahir dan batin ya. Mmh bagus banget sih dapurnya aku mau dunk. harus nabung berapa tahun ya biar bisa bikin dapur kayak gitu šŸ˜€

  9. rieke says:

    riana… aduh bakar bakar dong.. udah kangen sama kue2 riana nih, sibuk banget ya jeng sampai ga bisa baking.. ayooo udah bolak balik nih

  10. Vivil says:

    Huhhuuu..ngeces liat round kicthen-nya. Btw, gw pengen bisa bikin kue kaya loe donkss… Ajarin atuhh… šŸ˜€

  11. meira says:

    Riana, salam kenal…I’m a big fan of your blog. Dah lama celingukan di dapur kamu niy. Maaap yak baru sekarang ijin (ngaku!), abis keasikan ngeliatin photo2nya, canggih bo’! Yg jelas amazing deh…

    Wah, thank youu.. maap ya belom update lagi.. Baru pindahan, dapurnya masih acak adul šŸ™‚ —-Riana

  12. lita says:

    Lagi browsing..nyasar ke sini..Gilee yeee…blog jij bikin sirik ajeh…terutama ngeliat those pics of your creations and inventions (wink..wink)alias kue-kue dlsb :D. Hmmm, nyam..nyam!

  13. Julianti says:

    Salam kenal, Riana. Wah, foto2nya bagus banget. Aku juga hobi bikin kue. Ada info tempat belajar bikin kue yg bagus nggak ya? Ma kasih banyak…

    Waaaah, banyak banget. Rata-rata setiap TBK juga nyelenggarain kursus harian. Selain TBK, ada NCC, DapurBunda, Bogasari Baking Center, dll. Masing-masing punya kelebihannya sendiri. Silakan pilih-pilih aja yang paling cuco’ di hati.
    Happy hunting! —–Riana

  14. inong says:

    buuu, kok gak apdet2? sibuk ya?

  15. mushahidah says:

    Assalamualaikum wr wb….salam kenal bu Riana…direkomendasikan oleh Yessy blog ibu..and instantly love at first sight ;))

  16. ayu says:

    Hai, mbak Riana.. Salam kenal, saya Ayu. Saya liat alat untuk memipil jagung itu di ACE Hardware Pondok Indah, kalo tidak salah harganya 60rb-an šŸ˜‰

    Yup, I got it šŸ™‚ Thank youuu ————-Riana

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