About Me

What are you doin’ here? I’ve moved!

to.. PennyLane-Kitchen.blogspot.com

See you there!

I’m the head chef in my own head 🙂

I eat cakes and dessert first, then hit the main course, IF there’s plenty of room left in my stomach.

I’m 64, married, always a student of life, live in a retarded country called Indonesia –but we have the best food in the world, you know like brain curry and fried intestines–, in its capital city that is more like a dirty flooded-every-year giant village, Jakarta. Don’t take me wrong, my love for Indonesia goes way beyond bashing.

I have an extremely small humble kitchen (you’ll be surprised to see how small it is) that serves me alright and keeps me happy from time to time.

Basically, I’m just a slave of Allah trapped in my sins, strugglingly repent each step of the way, paving my way to jannah, ’til the day I die.

Feeling generous? Reach me at  to ask me out for a nice late lunch or early dinner in town. I’m a fun eating partner.

Feeling cheap? Visit my daily blog and drop me a sarcastic comment. Hey, it’s the least you can do as a cheap person.

Finally, welcome to my kitchen, my happy place. Where food must taste as good as it looks, if not better. All baked with love and passion. Excitement and dedication. For the sake of exploring. For the love of baking.


Umm.. I’m not 64 yet. But by claiming the number I don’t have to worry about updating my age until I am actually 64. You know, like the song. Btw, have you realized this blog is officially moved? What are you doing here?

11 Comments Add yours

  1. Maurina says:

    Hahaha… love your “wild” explanation about you and the things around you, makes me believe you are indeed a fun eating partner.

    1. Riana says:

      and a sarcastic one 😀

  2. Megawati says:


    I enjoy reading your profile. It is interesting. Will u really be willingly having lunch or dinner if I ask you? I like to learn from you much.


    1. Riana says:

      wa alaikumussalam warrahmatullah..
      So you’re feeling generous, superb! Of course I will, why the hesitation?

  3. Widi says:

    HI Riana..
    Its lovely to read your profile..
    I am now desperate of pennylane cookies..I know its a bit late but..never late for yummy food..
    why so bleweerrr..i don;t want too much experiment..will give me up…so i better ask you.. what kind of chocolate ( I mean chocolate brand) for best result….
    bye bye..Hope will meet you someday..somewhere

    1. Riana says:

      Hi Widi,
      from my experience, the real chocolate always give best result. i’m talking couverture, chocolate with 100% cocoa butter. I usually use Van Houten, Tulip bittersweet couverture, and i wished someday I could use Varlhorna 🙂

  4. miyla says:

    haiii meth kenal Riana……seneng bs baca tulisan resep anda…

    1. Riana says:

      Hi Miyla, met kenal juga. Aaah, aku lebih seneng lagi masih ada yang menyambangi dapur tua ini, hihihi… I’m not here anymore, though. Alamat yg baru ada di atas tuuuh.. pennylane-kitchen. blogspot.com. See you there!

  5. lenny says:

    hi, salam kenal yah. lagi browsing ingin cari tau seperti apakah korsvet and then I came across your blog. Mau tanya yah walau udah ada yg nanya tapi masih belum jelas. Hope, you find the time to answer my question. Thanks in advance sebelumnya. Aku tinggal di America and penasaran banget pengen bikin pisang molen. Semua resep mengharuskan pake korsvet. Nah pertanyaannya apa korsvet sama dengan veg. shortening? disini biasa dipake merk crisco (0 trans fat veg. shortening). itu sama gak dengan korsvet? thanks

    1. Riana says:

      Coba cari pastry fat, they surely have it there. The fat they use for making croissant.
      Crisco mirip2 sih dengan korsvet, dicoba aja. Aku belom pernah nyoba, jadi kamu harus jadi pioneer dalam hal ini. Mungkin akan ada perbedaan dalam titik leleh, atau karakterisktik lain, but somebody must try eventually.

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