Another Paradox


I‘ve been wanting to try this recipe for so long! Am I so glad I finally did it!
Pie Shells The Shells
From The Top

Lemon Meringue Pie. Classic indeed. The first time I heard about this dessert, I have to admit, I –a liiiitle bit– underestimated it. Ok, it has a crust, then lemon cream, then meringue. It is surely sweet and nice, but heck, no surprises. Little did I know I was gonna get one spoonful of surprises in my mouth.
It was oooooh so good! Remember the first time you tried a Pavlova? You thought the combination was just okay, but then, wow! Anna Pavlova had to be a very very wonderful person to have her name immortalized by this wonderful dessert. This is a similar case. You wouldn’t guess what the combination of this three classic regular layers will do to your day. Color it happy, baby. So happy indeed.
The Cream Baked!
The cream was smooth and tangy, the buttery crust was nicely crumbles, the topping was crunchy on the outside, soft and cottony on the inside. Sweet, comforting, surprising. How can a surprise be comforting? Hm. Another paradox.
Hard Peak
Unbaked TopLemon Meringue Pie
Source: “Desserts” by Gina Steer, published by Woman’s Own
225 g plain flour
150 g butter or margarine
25 g caster sugar
1 egg yolk
juice and rind of 3 lemons
50 g butter
27 g corn flour
3 egg yolks
50-75 g caster sugar
3 egg whites
175 g sugar
Just Out
Before Cracked Open

  1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees celcius.
  2. Place flour in a mixing bowl and rub in the butter until mixture resebles fine breadcrumbs. Stir in sugar, beat egg yolk with 1 Tbsp cold water, then use to bind the pastry. Knead until smooth, wrap in greaseproof paper or clearwrap and chill for 30 minutes.
  3. Roll pastry out on a lightly floured surface and use to line a 9 inch/23 cm loose-bottomed flan tin. Prick the base with fork, bake for 10-15 minutes.
    A Spoon Of Comfort
    Just Baked

  5. Make up the juice of 3 lemons to 750 ml with water. reserve about 5 Tbsp for diluting the corn flour. Place in a saucepan with the lemon rind and butter. Bring to boil. Stir in sugar until well blended. Blend the cornflour with 4 Tbsp of water and the reserved lemon water, then stir into the boiling liquid. Cook over gentle heat or until it is thickened.
  6. Allow the liquid to cool, then beat in egg yolks. Pour into flan case. Return to oven for 8-10 minutes, or until the filling is set.
  7. On Kitchen Table

  8. Whisk egg whites until stiff then add the sugar and whisk until very stiff. Swirl the mixture on top of the flan with a spoon. Reduce oven temperature to 160 degrees celcius and backe the lemon meringue pie for a further 25-30 minutes. Serve either hot or cold.

Yes, The Pie

  • I used all 4 egg whites, ‘coz I love big meringue top.
  • Be careful when stirring the corn flour mixture into the boiling liquid. I suggest to turn down the heat to the lowest or put it off completely before adding in cornflour because it will thicken fast when heated, creating ugly lumps. When the mixture started to thicken slowly and smoothly, you can turn the heat back up.
  • Do not be discouraged when you think the lemon cream is not sweet enough. The sweet meringue top will make up for it.

Ooh, ooh, I also made Chocolate Meringue Pie. Now that was another dessert you wouldn’t wanna miss. Will post soon.

37 Comments Add yours

  1. ruri says:

    wow…. kok kita sering samaan sih Ri?
    gw juga sebenernya pengeeeen banget nyobain bikin Lemon Meringue, tapi… hihihi… you know me laaaahhh.
    hmmm…. ngences ngebanyangin rasa asemnya lemon campur ama manisnya meringue

  2. Jiewa says:

    Edan banget foto2nya, serasa ‘hidup’ .. pake kamera apa nih ? 🙂

    Jiewa! What an honor!
    Orang ke 748 yang nanya pertanyaan sama 🙂 Canon Powershot A95, yang udah tereak-tereak minta diganti DSLR (amiiiiin)———–Riana

  3. flonaflona says:

    Hmm kayanya enak..tapi sayah suka gak pe de kalo bikin adonan merengue…met kenal yah mbak…sayah link boleh?

    yah boleh dwonk 🙂 Trims ya ————-Riana

  4. Pepy says:

    Baru seminggu lalu bikin angel loaf cake. Tapi akunya pake putih telur siap pake…
    keren2 mbak fotonya

  5. arfi says:

    lovely shots, ri!!

  6. asti says:

    mbak riana..foto-fotonya keren seperti biasa.
    sekarang dikasih tulisan ya semenjak peristiwa bajak-mambajak? hehe..bagus kok, jadi kayak cover cookbooks..

  7. erne juliana says:

    hi riana….

    nice shots…just 2 remind u…pls see ur email..i’d love to purchase ur book…;)

  8. lies says:

    mbak riiiii….love the picture so much….:)
    aku nyontek idenya ngasih tulisan di foto gpp to mbak….:)

    Gpp dwonk, itu kan bukan ideku 🙂
    Terus ya, duh, duhhh, sebenernya gak demen banget ngasih2 tulisan kayak gitu. Cuma kebetulan aja seri foto yang ini bisa dibikin mirip majalah dengan tulisan2 itu, jadi yaaah… gpp deh, bisa kompromi. ————–Riana

  9. Kukuh TW says:

    tulisan di photo atas kurang huruf t tuh , jaidnya

  10. wati says:

    Mba, mba…. foto2nya emang dahsyat tapi maap ya mba jadi rada sakit mata niy gara2 kurang huruf t di pennylanekitchen-nya…mba mo tanya, foto2 itu diolah lagi pake photoshop ya…

  11. SyL says:

    gorgeous food shots!

  12. Riana says:

    Huaaaaa… iya kok bisa sampe salah ya??? Thanks, Kuh, dikasih tau. Tapi mendingan aku gak tau deh kayaknya, hehehe… soalnya udah males ngerombaknya lagi.

    @ Wati:
    Iya dikasih tulisannya pake Photoshop.

    @ Syl:
    Thanks, Syl :-*

  13. deby suwito says:

    mbak ri,
    much much better this way cool!
    you really full of surprises..ada aja yang baru..

  14. Mina says:

    Mba… selama 20 menit mulut saya tdk bisa tutup ni liat gambarnya…perfect..baek kuenya maupun photonya…. u r my inpiration n motifasiku…thnks.
    Btw mau tanya dong Mba..untuk camera poket bisa ga menghasilkan foto sebagus gitu… ***pengen private nih***

    Halah, terimakasih udah dipuji. Gak perfect sama sekalilah. Semua foto-foto di blog ini dihasilkan dengan camera pocket, say. Ikutan Food Photography aja, Mina.. ———Riana

  15. erne juliana says:

    riana…gimana saya mahu beli buku kamu??? lihatlah email nya..sob sob sob

  16. adelena says:

    Mba, dua jempol buat foto-foto with the exotic text-nya… keren banget.. mudah-mudahan nggak ada lagi yang nyolong potonya ya… amin…

    Amiiiin…. ———- Riana

  17. adelena says:

    cuma kurang huruf t… apa sengaja? hihihihi…

    Huaaa… itu gak sengaja. Tapi udah keburu males ngeditnya, banyak.. ———–Riana

  18. Henny says:

    Salam kenal Mba’ Riana… ngiler liat meringue pie-nya. Dulu banget aku pernah bikin, kirain gampang , ternyata putih telurnya melempem..pemm..he..he.. sekarang mo nyobain lagi ah pake resepnya mba’.. aku minta yah…

    Ikutin aja resepnya ya… Insya Allah crispy on the outside, soft in the inside deh meringuenya 🙂 ———Riana

  19. Lila says:

    Mbak Riana, foto barunya keren-keren banget.. meski udah liat di kursus kemarin, tetep aja nggak bosen-bosen dan impressed ngeliatnya.. duuuh, kapan ya aku bisa motret sekeren ini.. (*ngayal mode*). Lagi latian terus nih mbak, siap-siap terima ‘lemparan’ foto-fotonya ya buat diperiksa dan di-comment-in ‘bu guru’.. 😉

    Siaaaaaap!! Hehehe.. dengan senang hati.. ————-Riana

  20. Chuck says:

    I love anything with lemon and lemon meringue pie is a favorite. One thing that I do is add marshmallow wipe to the meringue. You know the marshmallow in a jar stuff. Great blog!

  21. rima fauzi says:

    riana.. gue link ya blognya..
    i’m gonna send you my recipe of belgian quiche pake goat’s cheese, terong and tomatoes. it’s to die for..

    and yes, photo2nya dahsyat.. you are one talented girl!

    Kiriiiiim, kiriiiiim….. Denger ingredientsnya aja gue udah drooling… ces, ces, cesssss…. —————Riana

  22. cherry says:

    So georgeus… Just like seeing foreign sites.. Hmm…saingan sama joyofbaking… Serious! Cetakan pienya beli dimana? Aku ga pernah nemu tuh cetakan pie kecil yg bongkar pasang…

    Hi, Cherry,
    Cetakan pie waktu itu aku beli di Surabaya, di Toko Delapan. ———-Riana

  23. Erika says:

    Mba Riana, kalo bikinnya jadi satu pie yang gede bisa ngga?

    Bisa. Ada kan di resepnya? Kira2 ukuran 22-23 cm. ———–Riana

  24. haku-ko says:

    looks so tempting..i must try this one…

    You should! 🙂 ———Riana

  25. Erika says:

    Mba Riana, thanks for visiting my blog. Lagi males di-update nih… 😛 He..he.. jadi malu… draft-nya aja udah segambrengan tapi belum dipublish juga, males ngeditnya! 😛
    BTW, I’ll try this recipe using one big pie tin. Hmmm… udah kebayang deh segernya. Mudah2an berhasil.

  26. small cookie says:

    Is it possible to use blow torch for the browning of the merigue? Yours look delish!

    It is possible. But it won’t be crispy on the outside and spongy on the inside, though. It will be creamy, with caramel hint on the burnt areas. ———-Riana

  27. dian says:

    Mbak Riana, wow…wow…….bagus banged foto2nya. Kapan ada food photography ya mbak?….:)) pengen ikutan niyyy

    Ada tanggal 24 minggu depan. Cek jadwalnya di deh ————-Riana

  28. Fenny says:

    kayak cover buku!
    ada aja idenya 😀

  29. small cookie says:

    Thanks Riana, guess i will have to search for another recipe that allows me to use my “new” toy if not my good friend won’t be too please to see it treated like white elephant. 🙂

  30. eki says:

    Lama gak mampir, ni blog makin kereen ajaah Mbak. tambah keren isi dan foto2nya. Gak heran deh kalo ada cerita2 sukses karena ni blog. Abis kuereen seeeh. yang jelas, ngiler abis liat fotonya dan ngiri abis bisa punya blog kayak gini. dua bahasa lagi…ih, ih, ih, Mbak ajarin dooonggg…

  31. intan says:

    Halo mbak riana..^^, saya masih beginner banget nih :p, liat lemon meringue pie-nya mbak bikin ngiler..pingin coba buat ^^, sebelumnya sama sekali gk prnah buat pie sie.. =.=

    mau tanya, yang saya punya cetakan pie kecil2, tapi ngga bongkar pasang..apa bisa dipake buat pie ini ya? trus, apa crustnya ngga lengket sama cetakannya? 😀

    yg sama dari cetakan saya sama mbak cuman tempat beli cetakannya..^^, hehehe.. 😀

    Oya? Kamu beli cetakannya di Toko 8 juga? Crustnya gak nempel tuh di cetakan pie-nya. Menteganya banyak soalnya. Loose aja dengan gampang. Cetakan pie kecil yang gak bongkar pasang bisa dipake, tapi kayaknya sebelum kamu tarokin topping, dia harus dikeluarin dulu tuh dari cetakannya. Soale kalo ngeluarinnya pas udah ada topping, takut toppingnya coplok 🙂 —————Riana

  32. Yoana says:

    Mbak Riana… tuh kalau melihat artikel, gambar dsb yg mbak buat..cuma bisa berdecak kagum..;) secara bagus2 banget…TOP BGT dech…Four thumbs up buat mbak…terus berkarya yah mbak..
    eh mbak aku link blogmu boleh yaaa…
    Makasih sebelumnya…
    psst..mbak aku pernah kursus food fotography sama dirimu loooh…hi..hi….

    Hey, terus mana karyamu? Pajang donk aaahhh…. ——Riana

  33. ira says:

    Mba Riana, kalo pake loyang pie yang besar sama aja kan? BTW aku dah coba resep opera nya… Enakkk… cuma terlalu lama panggang lapisan cake nya n terlalu tipis kali ya (1/2 cm kira2). Kalo pake loyang besar ga akan basah bagian tengah putih telur nya kan?

    Bisa, resep aslinya pake loyang besar malah justru 🙂 ————Riana

  34. intan says:

    mbak.. canon A95 itu digital kan? apa ada manualnya juga? ajarin dooooooooonkkkk gimana cara montretnya

    Iya compact digital. Ada dunk manualnya 🙂
    Bidik dan jepretlah, sambil belajar fungsi2nya. Terus kalo masih gak mudeng, ikut kursus FP dunk 🙂 —Riana

  35. yunia says:

    Halo mbak…baru aja nyoba lemon pie nya..enak bener!!..thanks ya buat resepnya..hubby seneng deh..soalnya ini tuh kesukaannya…tapi ada 1 pertanyaan nih…kok pas pastrynya mau di roll..pastrynya crumbles yah…apa aku kasih kbanyakan butter ya?..itu aja sih..yg laen2 nya sih perfectly made hehehe…thanks ya mbak! 🙂

    Memang kamu banyakin butternya? Hehehe… kalo udah sesuai resep sih bisa kok diroll. Kalo masih crumble juga, ya udah gak usah diroll, tapi langsung dipress (ditekan-tekan pake tangan) aja ke alas dan dinding loyangnya. ——Riana

  36. Me says:

    mbak riana, kulit pie ini crumbly tidak?
    aku mau bikin fruit pie tapi rada ga sreg sama resepnya mbak Fat krn banyak yg bilang kulitnya crunchy.. pdhl aku maunya kulit pie yg empukk.. hehe..
    oia, kulit pie nya gausa ditambah susu cair ato apa2 lg kan ya mbak?
    trus vla isiannya klu pk vla napoleon cocok ga ya mbak? wish me luck ya! hehe..

    Ini sedikit lebih empuk. Kalo mau lebih empuk lagi, tambah kuning telur. Gak usah ditambah susu lagi. Vla napoleon cocok aja tuh, secara itu adalah vla paling enak sedunia bukan? 😀 ——-Riana

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